09 Jan 2010

Anatomical Basis for the Keystone Island Flap in the Upper Thigh.

Tags: Published Work

The Keystone perforator island flap (Keystone flap), is a Type A fasciocutaneous advancement flap, consisting of two V to Y advancement flaps. Skin cancer excision around joints presents a number of reconstructive challenges. Owing to the mobile nature of joints, the optimal periarticular reconstructive option should possess the ability to provide adequate tissue coverage and withstand regional changes in tensile pressures.

Locoregional fasciocutaneous wound coverage offered by keystone flaps may alleviate the risks of graft failure, contour defects, and donor site morbidity associated with alternative reconstructive options, with good functional and cosmetic outcomes. We advocate their use as a robust reconstructive option in periarticular areas.


‘Anatomical Basis for the Keystone Island Flap in the Upper Thigh.’ Behan FC, Lo CH, Findlay MW. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Jan; 125(1): 421-3.