20 Sep 2022

Prehabilitation induces endothelial progenitor cell mobilisation in patients undergoing major surgery

Tags: Clinical trials, Published Work

Corresponding Author: Dr. Robert Schier
Co-Authors: Claus Juergen Bauer; Michael Findlay; Christina Koliamitra; Philipp Zimmer; Volker Schick; Sebastian Ludwig; Geoffrey C. Gurtner; Bernhard Riedel
Manuscript Number: DIB-D-22-01704


Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2022, e10705


Prehabilitation is increasingly recognised as a therapeutic option to reduce postoperative complications. Investigating the beneficial effects of exercise on cellular mechanisms, we have previously shown that a single episode of exhaustive exercise effectively stimulates endothelial progenitor cells (a cell population associated with vascular maintenance, repair, angiogenesis, and neovascularization) in correlation with fewer postoperative complications, despite the ongoing debate about the appropriate cell surface marker profiles of these cells (common phenotypical definitions include CD45dim, CD133+, CD34+ and/or CD31+). In order to translate these findings into clinical application, a feasible prehabilitation programme achieving both functional and cellular benefits in a suitable timeframe to expedite surgery is necessary.