10 Mar 2009

Long Term Persistence of Tissue Engineered Adipose Flaps in a Murine Model to One Year.

Tags: Published Work

Tissue engineering of patient-specific adipose tissue has the potential to revolutionize reconstructive surgery. Numerous models have been described for the production of adipose tissue with success in the short term, but little has been reported on the stability of this tissue-engineered fat beyond 4 months.

Laboratory trials demonstrate that fat produced by tissue engineering is capable of maintaining its volume when the appropriate microenvironment is provided. This has important implications for the application of tissue-engineering techniques in humans.


Long Term Persistence of Tissue Engineered Adipose Flaps in a Murine Model to One Year.’ Findlay MW, Messina A, Thompson EW and Morrison WA. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009, 124(4): 1077-84.