18 May 2017

Isolation of CD248-Expressing Stromal Vascular Fraction for Targeted Improvement of Wound Healing

Tags: Published Work

Wound healing remains a global issue of disability, cost, and health. Addition of cells from the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue has been shown to increase the rate of full thickness wound closure. This study aimed to investigate the angiogenic mechanisms of CD248+ SVF cells in the context of full thickness excisional wounds.
Isolation of CD248-Expressing Stromal Vascular Fraction for Targeted Improvement of Wound Healing.’ Brett E, Zielins E, Chin M, Januszyk M, Blackshear C, Findlay MW, Momeni A, Gurtner GC, Longaker MT, Wan D. Wound Repair and Regen 2017; 25(3):414-422. Doi 10.1111/wrr.12542 Epub 2017 May 18.